Also over the winter, we tried our hand at something new--lip products! We made Natural (unflavored) and Peppermint from such natural and uncomplicated ingredients like coconut oil, safflower oil, beeswax, and Vitamin E, with peppermint oil being added to the latter. Taking care of your lips is important, especially when you are outdoors a lot. Personally, I am enjoying this treat for my lips. It feels so nice and smooth and helps to protect them against the elements. And with the handy little tubes they are in, they're perfect for carrying in my pocket when I'm working with produce in the field. But don't just listen to me. Try some out yourself and see what YOU

Last Saturday, May 21st, was the opening day at the Lititz Farmer's Market so we were very busy preparing for it. We are reworking our display for market and have employed one of our brothers to build shelves for our soaps. It can be hard to think of new ideas for how to make our table look different--and pretty!--but it's also a good opportunity to be creative. The Lord blessed us with a beautiful, sunny day which was especially welcomed after all the rain we have been receiving. It was great to see all the people that came out. What a fun morning! We had lots of soap out with some new kinds including Lavender, Lemongrass, & Mint, and Coconut Lime Verbena, and Lilac Mist which we gave a new look. (See below.) Our new Lavender, Lemongrass, and Mint made a big splash!

New Soaps:
Lavender, Lemongrass, and Mint (Pictured below.)

Coconut Lime Verbena (Picture to come.)